Up to 30% discount on all posters

Up to 30% discount on all posters

Up to 30% discount on all posters

Up to 30% discount on all posters

Up to 30% discount on all posters

Legal notice

klumo.com is an offer of the:

klunk GmbH
Bogen 45, Holzmarktstr. 15-18
10179 Berlin, Germany

Managing Directors

Nils Lehnert
Florian Schoch

Registered at the local court Charlottenburg Berlin, HRB 250093 B
Tax number: 30/385/50084
Sales tax ID: DE 359099334

Responsible for own contents of klunk GmbH
according to §55 RStV:

Nils Lehnert

Consumer information on online dispute resolution
in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013:

Within the framework of the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution for Consumer Affairs, an online dispute resolution platform of the EU Commission is available to you at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.